At our naturopathic clinic we offer various blood tests to diagnose allergies and sensitivities for over 350 items. These tests are highly accurate and sensitive.
The Food and Environmental Antibody Assessment is a blood test that checks for food intolerances by checking IgG antibody levels for different foods raging from various seeds, milks, fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts and spices. The test identifies IgG antibodies to a vast array of food substances – the delayed reaction of the body to a certain food that you may not be tolerating well.
We provide various food and environmental panels for you to choose from. If you are interested in getting tested for any allergens or intolerances, please call the clinic at 416 913 4325 and we can schedule a time for you to come in for the test. Many insurance providers cover the testing provided at the clinic, please check with your provider. Some of the tests we offer are described below. If you are interested in testing an item and do not see it in this list, please call us and we can verify if we do test for it:
The IgG Vegetable Add-on Profile is a beneficial extension of the Food Antibody Assessment for vegetarians or those with a varied diet. This Add-on profile evaluates IgG for 21 vegetarian foods, including grains, fruits, nuts, and beans. This panel includes artichoke, bean sprout, cantaloupe, cashew, cherry, coconut, flax seed, garbanzo, filbert, kamut, millet, mung bean, navy bean, oat bran, parmesan cheese, pistachio, safflower, triticale, watermelon, wheat bran, and wild rice.
Hypersensitivities to foods can also occur as a consequence of sensitization to inhalant allergens. A syndrome known as the pollen-food allergy or oral allergy syndrome can occur when inhaled pollens that patients are sensitized to (such as birch, ragweed and mugwort) cross react with plant proteins. These patients often experience symptoms in the oral and pharyngeal mucosa.
We offer an allergy profile an allergy profile exclusively for IgE Molds. The panel includes 15 of the most commonly isolated molds. This test can be ordered separately, or as an adjunct test when performing the IgE Inhalants Profile. The latter panel has a combined mold antibody, and when positive confirms the need to further investigate the specific mold allergen.
The IgE Inhalants Profile measures relative levels of antibodies to 18 region-specific inhalants. It is customized to include common allergens found in any one of 18 geographic regions throughout the United States, and Canada.
The IgE Inhalants Profile includes a total reactivity result for general molds. Should this general test be positive, the clinician may want to determine the specific mold(s) affecting a patient. The IgE Molds Profile should then be performed.
An elevated total IgE on the Food Antibody Assessment with negative individual IgE food results should direct the clinician towards additional IgE Inhalants and Mold testing. The IgG Spices Profile determines separate IgG titers for 24 commonly used spices.
Celiac Profile is a specific testing for celiac disease using a blood sample. Celiac disease is defined as a genetic, immune mediated enteropathy of the small bowel that results in malabsorption. The disease is characterized by sensitivity to the proteins found in wheat, and to a lesser extent, barley and rye. The National Institutes of Health reported in August of 2004 that the prevalence of Celiac Disease is much greater than previous estimates, possibly affecting as many as 3 million Americans, indicating that the disease is widely under recognized.
Clinical studies indicate the Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgA/IgG and Endomysial IgA antibodies as highly prevalent and reliable for non-invasive assessment of Celiac Disease. Our profile includes Total IgA to rule out false \ negatives in IgA immunodeficient individuals, and the Endomysial IgA as a reflex when indicated. Anti-GLiadin IgA and IgG is available to establish levels and use as a monitoring tool for successful elimination of gluten. (Adapted from the Genova Diagnostic Laboratory).
We also provide a comprehensive range of tests from the Genova Diagnostic Laboratories to check for the amounts of toxics elements such as aluminium, mercury, lead in the body particularly relevant for individuals suffering from chronic fatigue, depression, hyperactivity (children), "foggy" brain, stress, thyroid problems and many other health conditions and also for those individuals employed in high risk occupations, including welding, metal working, mining, battery production, aerospace work, optical fiber and lighting manufacturing, and various other high technology and metal manufacturing industries and children and other adults (especially post-menopausal women).
With the enormous amounts of toxic metal in the environment and widespread nutrient mineral insufficiencies, assessing patients for element imbalances and excesses is increasingly important.
Element testing provides a convenient and accurate window for gauging both long- and short-term toxic exposure and nutrient deficiencies. The test includes measures of pervasive and potentially damaging toxins such as lead, mercury and cadmium, along with crucial mineral nutrients like zinc, calcium, and magnesium.
Hair mineral analysis assesses levels of 22 potentially damaging elements using a hair sample. A substantial body of scientific literature supports hair analysis as an accurate, reliable gauge of long-term toxic exposure. Because hair follicles are exposed to the blood supply during growth, element concentrations in hair reflect concentration in other body tissues.
Acne is a common skin condition with a prevalence of 80% in female and 90% in male teenagers. It is caused by a disorder of the oil glands that result in clogged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly known as pimples. Risk factors: poor diet, excessive sugar, trans fats and processed foods.
Candida overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract is now becoming recognized as a complex medical syndrome known as chronic candidiasis or the yeast syndrome. Symptoms include: Multiple food allergies, or allergic to all foods( pan allergic), alternating diarrhea with constipation.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is described as a severe, debilitating fatigue, lasting at least six months (of new and definite onset), associated with at least four of the following symptoms: impaired memory or concentration, sore throat, muscle pains, joint pains, unrefreshing sleep and post-exertion malaise.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - a diagnosis of exclusion, this condition is often misdiagnosed. Severe food intolerances / allergies may exhibit symptoms that are similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome such as pain, cramping, gassiness, sudden bouts of diarrhoea, and constipation.