Registered Naturopathic Doctors are licensed and insured by your extended benefits provider to help the individual to optimal health with a variety of health and wellness modalities which include homeopathy, botanical medicine, acupuncture, nutritional, stress management, smoking cessation, weight maintenance, and workplace evaluation programs.
We are pleased to offer you and your staff onsite health and wellness assessments and programs. Our naturopathic doctor will come to your facility to do individual health and wellness assessments for you and your staff. If you do offer health insurance for your staff, these sessions will be reimbursed under naturopathic services.
Benefits of a Wellness Program
Our clinic provides wellness fairs, health seminars, lunch and learn sessions and onsite health assessments for your employees, some of the categories for the seminars include:
If you have a particular topic for a seminar for your employees related to health, please inform us ahead of time, when booking your seminar dates with us, and we will prepare information handouts on the topic of your choice.
If you are interested in booking a lunch and learn session for your employees or would like for us to participate in your health and safety wellness week or wellness fairs, or would like to set up health assessments for your staff and clients, please call us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or email us at [email protected]
Want to feel refreshed, energized with younger looking skin? Look no further! Call Today and schedule a divine facial acupuncture session!
After having tried all sorts of fad diets and pills most people are unhappy with their present weight. Visit our Weight Management Program and find about the Naturopathic Way To Better Health.
We offer an all natural Quit Smoking Program customized for you by our Toronto Naturopath using therapies such as acupuncture, hypnotherapy and homeopathy.