This year the flu season seems to be worse than the ones we had in the previous years. I wonder if its related to the unusual weather patterns we have been experiencing or if whether people have been enduring more stress than usual this past year (due to work pressures, a lack of fresh air, lack of physical activity, or poor dietary habits) which has had a negative effect on immune system? Stress, remember, is anything or any situation that puts the body out of its normal state of being. Regardless of what / who might be the culprit, it would be good to:
A/ clear the organism responsible for the symptoms,
B/ shorten the duration of the symptoms,
C/ improve the immune system and strengthen it.
Here are some simple natural dietary suggestions for all of the above:
- Drink a minimum of 6 – 8 glasses of fluids daily, ideally at room temperature or warmer. Fluids help thin secretions making it easier to clear them out and in turn help to reduce congestion. Add a slice of lemon / lime to the fluids, which help with giving that extra little dose of vitamin C.
- A constant intake of liquids in the form on teas / broths / soups also helps with keeping the lining of the respiratory tract moist, which helps with hoarseness, dry cough and that irritating tickle at the back of the throat, which can cause incessant bouts of coughing.
- Herb teas such as ginger with a slice of lime, chamomile, dried oregano and thyme and a teaspoon of honey will also help loosen the mucus and heal the throat, bronchial tubes and nasal passages, along with being comforting and nourishing.
- Some vegetable and fruit juices such as grape / coconut / carrot / beetroot / celery / lemon and parsley diluted with water will also help cleanse and promote healing, not to mention give you lots of vitamin A, C and electrolytes. Orange juice is something that I do not suggest it as it can be too sweet and also create more congestion. Grapefruit juice would be a good substitute for the Vitamin C content without the congestive effect.
- As much as you can, limit your intake of refined sugars. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and some fruit especially berries, mandarins / clementine /apples/ kiwi / grapefruits / mangoes / pineapple among others.
- Crushed garlic and ginger in soups and smoothies are great as they have antiviral and antibacterial properties.