Colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the intestine which can cause various symptoms such as constant abdominal pain with foods, persistent diarrhea, rectal bleeding and urgency to defecate unto 15 – 20 times a day. It can be quite severe in some individuals and can make life very difficult for those suffering from it. All age groups can be affected by it, and certain cultures are more prone to colitis than others. The less serious forms of colitis can be related to diet and stress, as well elimination habits of the individual.
Repeated use of antibiotic, parasites, diet and stress are some of the factors that contribute to symptoms of colitis.
If you do suffer from colitis, here are simple suggestions to find effective relief based on your diet and lifestyle:
1. Since everyone’s digestive system reacts differently to food, it would be worthwhile to keep a diet diary of the foods you consume daily and to record any abdominal symptoms and flare ups that came about as a result of certain foods. You may also test your self for food intolerances and allergies and find that you might have been eating foods that you were either allergic to or sensitive to.
2. Stress has been implicated with colitis, so keeping a journal of your emotional state and the incidence of flare up would be helpful to understand better what emotions trigger your colitis, and committing to yourself to changing these behaviours or reactions would be helpful in reducing the number of flare ups as well.
3. Appetite is often affected when you have colitis flare ups, so it is very important to provide your body with the proper nourishment when you are not feeling well and fatigued, as well as making sure you are not staying hungry for prolonged periods of time.
4. Avoiding fibre during flare ups is very important as it may irritate the inflamed intestines further. Whilst fibre is very important for good bowel movements, it would be better to avoid it when you are experiencing bloody stools. Cooked and soft foods would be ideal for digesting food and assimilating the nutrients during flare ups. Baby foods on the go would great for individuals who have no time to prepare meals and are always busy as they are easy on the intestines and provide nourishment for the body.
5. Avoiding foods that are high in fats and oils is very important as these will make the diarrhea worse as well, along with dairy products, as quite often if you have colitis, you may also be borderline “lactose intolerant”. Try to avoid foods/ beverages with thickening agents such as carrageenan, which is found in ice-cream and certain alternate milks such as almond milk or brown rice milk, as this product has been implicated in worsening colitis symptoms.
As a Naturopathic Doctor, I do suggest that if you are suffering from colitis to try the above suggestions, but also get an individual assessment done to see what triggers your colitis symptoms as every individual reacts differently, and has to be treated as such as well. Please call the clinic at 416 913 4325 to get an assessment on your health and to start treating your health issues naturally.
By: Dr. Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor.