Happy New Year Everyone!
Wishing everyone a Healthy 2015! I am sure everyone has some resolutions set out for them this year, here are the five that topped my chart for healthy naturopathic resolutions for 2015:
1/ Sleep well – It is very important for the body to get sufficient rest and recharge in order to have the energy to fulfill those resolutions. So try to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep if not more and keep a consistent schedule through out the week and weekend.
2/ Eat well – You are what you eat and think – so once the body is well rested, you do need to nourish it with healthy and nutritious foods so that the organs can function well, and work efficiently to digest, eliminate and assimilate that proper nutrients for the body from the quality foods you feed your body. Limit your intake of foods that will take more energy to break down, and create more toxins for your body to eliminate making you feel sluggish and tired after eating. Eat foods that nourish and vitalize your body and give you energy. Please make sure you chew your food well, eat slowly and avoid drinking water with your meals as it will dilute your digestive enzymes.
3/ Think positively – Let this year be the cleansing year, where you let bygones be bygones and start fresh – thinking positively. Your heart will feel lighter and thank you for it! You will also feel less tension in your body and be happier! My previous blog talked about managing emotions in a healthy and positive way so if you would like to work on this aspect, check this blog article.
4/ Stress less – If stressing more was helpful for your life in any way shape or form, then by all means stress more… The truth however is as follows – the more your stress about things that are beyond your control and worry excessively, it affects a hormone called cortisol, which in turn also affects another hormone called homocysteine, which can increase your risk of heart issues. If you want to learn more about these hormones, click here.
5/ Adopt a pet – If you own a pet, you know the benefits of having one. The unconditional love and companionship is just one of the many benefits I can think of. For dog lovers, the great benefit of adopting one is that you do not have to set special time aside for moderate exercise each day – you get that just by walking your pet each day! Here is a link to a great website for pet adoption: http://www.torontohumanesociety.com/adopt-a-pet.
All the best to everyone this upcoming year! Remember to make your health your top priority! Our naturopathic clinic in Toronto offers great naturopathic services for your health and wellbeing, so give us a call if we can be of service to you.