- Consume less fat by avoiding foods that highly hydrogenated and processed.
- Consuming less red meat, luncheon meat, bacon, hormone-fed, nitrate enriched cold cuts. Instead opt for free range and organic meats.
- Consuming less milk and milk products that are not organic. Try almond, soy, oat, coconut or rice milk instead for a refreshing change.
- Consume less deep fried foods. Instead try grilled or baked versions of foods.
- Eat less refined flour products such as pastas and pastries.
- Use less or avoid white sugar and simple sugar, try to satisfy that sugar craving with frozen dates or grapes, fresh cut up fruit . Use alternates to sugar such as stevia, agave syrup or raw honey.
- Less salt and salty foods, such as crackers, pretzels, chips and pickled foods – try dehydrated kale chips instead.
- Consume fewer calories and eat healthier foods that are packed full of nutrients and antioxidants.
- Consume less coffee and alcohol. Instead try green or white tea or sparkling water with lime.
- Smoke less or not at all. Trying to quit? We offer an amazing stop smoking program combining natural therapies.
- Eat more fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, which are laden with nutrients and minerals for your body.
- Eat more whole grain cereals rather than processed sugar laden cereals.
- Eat more fiber foods—fresh fruits, vegetables and grains, if your body tolerates them well. Talk to your naturopath if you get bloated after consumption of these foods.
- Eat more fresh deep ocean fish and free -range poultry to replace red meats.
- Have more vegetable protein, such as nuts, seeds and beans and the sprouts of these foods to replace animal proteins.
- Drink more filtered or spring water.
- Drink more fruit and vegetables juices and herbal teas to replace coffee, black teas, soda pops and other stimulating beverages.
- Get more regular, preferably daily exercise with some aerobics. Skipping and swimming are two great cardio activities that are inexpensive and great for the body.
- Take better care of our air and land and keep our waters free of pollution.
- Talk to your naturopathic doctor to see what else you could do to improve your health and diet specifically for you.
By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.