1. Physical Activity: Exercise stimulates circulation and circulation of blood stimulates white blood cell movement to parts of the body that require healing, along with oxygen even though the body has an innate ability to heal. Mild to moderate exercise is recommended 3 – 4 times a week such as walking, brisk walking, jogging, swimming and running. Lack of physical activity, excess sexual activity and overwork impair immunity.
2. Diet: Eat a diet that is rich in whole foods, choosing a variety from a grain and organic vegetable based diet. Eat foods that have little to no processing. Moderate under eating and simpler food combinations strengthen immunity. Do not eat late at night. Avoid intoxicants, refined or chemically contaminated foods, rancid nuts and seeds and limit oils and fats. Try to avoid processed, colored, artificially preserved food as much as possible. If Candida overgrowth symptoms are present, further dietary discipline is necessary and the oxygenating and yeast inhibiting foods, supplements, and practices should also be considered. Talk to your naturopathic doctor to see what the best course of treatment would be for your health and symptoms using naturopathic medicine / natural medicine.
3. Environment: Maintain an orderly, pleasant, clean living and working environment. Of essential importance for those with very weak immunity is association with completely supportive people with lots of positive energy. Sunlight, clean, fresh air and pure water strengthen immunity. If these are not available naturally, the water filters, full spectrum lights and air filters / ionizers are helpful. Avoid overexposure to dampness and protect your health against other climactic extremes.
4. Supplements: Organic and whole food vitamins and mineral supplements seem to work best for individuals with poor immunity. Whole food supplements such as wheat or barley grass concentrates, sea vegetables, Chlorella and spirulina may be more beneficial for long-term use. Sprouts are a superb source of nutrients and can adequately supplement most grain and vegetable diets; however, they should be lightly cooked and used sparingly by individuals who are cold weak and frail. Talk to your naturopath to understand what the best diet may be for you.
5. Attitudinal Healing: This is the basic foundation for helping and improving immunity; gratitude and forgiveness are preliminary steps. Spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and visualization normally support the experience of continual renewal; such practices however can also weaken immunity if they are used to reinforce rigid thinking and habits.
Adapted from Healing with Whole foods
By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopath, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.