Anal fissures and tears are frequent in individuals that suffer from constipation or have very hard pellet like stools or stools with harder edges which are forced through on straining. Usually what happens is the delicate mucosal layer inside the anal region tears up, which then streaks the stools with fresh blood, and quite often there is fresh blood in the toilet bowl. There is deep boring pain that follows for a few hours or days quite often, and often the fear of going to the bathroom for a bowel movement that follows and of course more blood with more stool. People then usually try all sorts of products that will help to heal the tear or the fissure, never thinking anymore about it until the next time this reoccurs.
Here a few natural / naturopathic things you can do to prevent, heal and protect yourself from going through this again.
THIS IS KEY! You may be eating healthy, which is great, but here are a few simple things that will help even more.
Fiber is key to adding bulk to stool especially if you tend to have dry pellet like stool. You can add a couple of tablespoons of bran every morning to your breakfast or have an extra piece of fruit or more leafy vegetables as a snack. Usually one should consume about 20 – 25 grams of fiber daily. Most of us get no where near close to that number, so here is a simple suggestion, read the ingredients and the nutrition label when you buy any products and try to purchase foods that have higher fiber amounts per serving. This will improve the bulk of the stool without you having to making much of an effort.
Water as well is key for well formed soft stools. Dry pellet like stools will often be harder to eliminate causing you to strain, which can then lead to tears. If you are constipated on a regular basis – and you tried to improve your fiber and water intake to improve the quality of your stools naturally, the issue could be related to other health issues. For more information on these issues, please check our Natural Treatments for Constipation.
I know this is hard to do when you have to go but the stool does not pass with ease, STRAINING IS THE NUMBER CAUSE AS TO WHY YOU HAVE TEARS AND STRAINS.
So instead of straining, here a few simple suggestions that will help:
1. Moisten a towel with warm water and wipe the anal area with it lightly, this may stimulate movement of the stool and relax the muscles of the anal sphincter.
2. Do not go for bowel movement when you are in a rush. When you are stressed for time, you will rush every movement and the tendency to strain will be higher.
3. Massage / Rub the lower spine above the tail bone. This action will definitely help relax your bowels. A dab of Vaseline around the anal region might protect the area from tears that would form otherwise if you tried to push the stool out.
4. Have a warm glass of water with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil before breakfast. This will help move the bowels as well.
5. Try to give your self some extra time in the washroom when you are going in for a bowel movement. Just sitting on the toilet and going through steps 1 and 3 will help.
Still having trouble? Come visit us at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.
From: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic