Here is a list of simple tips that work wonders for naturally losing weight:
- No eating after 8:00 pm. If you are craving all sorts of things even after having a proper dinner, it is not related to being hungry, is most likely related to stress or comfort of the mind that you are feeding. So try having a tall glass of water with a squeeze of some lemon juice instead and a pinch of stevia instead.
- Smaller meals through out the day. Rather than having 3 large meals, have six small meals through out the day, this way you are distributing you calories through out the day and using them up as opposed to strong the excess and gaining weight unnecessarily.
- Have a tall glass of warm water 5 – 7 minutes before each meal. This has clinically been shown to reduce weight.
- Eat slowly rather than wolfing down your meals as quickly as possible, enjoy your food – the colors and textures of the food, and savour each bite. This will help improve your digestion and make you more aware of how much you eat.
- Eat up until you fill your stomach feels satiated not full.
By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic