Each year, many thousands of bears go through a very painful process where humans try to extract their bile from their gall bladder in the name of traditional medicine, which they claim is very beneficial for the digestive system that is impaired. Where bear bile may have benefits, in this case, there are really no benefits for the bear, and it is not only unfair, but also inhuman to do this for our selfish purposes for what helped people centuries ago, and maybe barbaric behavior was acceptable at that time, although I strongly doubt that. Such a majestic animal needs to be admired and respected, as opposed to being captured and tortured for something that may or not have any benefits, and especially there are so many herbal alternatives that will help improve the digestive system and the gastric juice flow naturally.
If you are one of these people who has been recommended to use bear bile, please read this blog so that you can better understand how you may treat your symptoms without taking it, and in the process save a bear from being tortured for your so called health benefits.
If you have liver congestion and are having issues digesting fatty and heavy meals, which is what bile helps with, try the following and let me know how you fared:
1/ Warm glass of water, with a 1/4 – 1/2 lime squeezed into it, with 1 tsp or 1 tbsp. of olive oil and a pinch of cayenne pepper before your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2/ Eat slowly and really chew your food well. 12 -1 3 chews per bite and avoid having any water with your meals as this will dilute your digestive enzymes and make your digestion even slower.
3/ Try digestive enzymes after your meals, with a content of lipase, a digestive enzyme that helps to digest fatty foods. Papaya and pineapple is also great for digestion as well and upset stomach.
4/ Try a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before meals, this really helps to create the right environment to digest heavy proteins and fats.
5/Try having smaller meals rather then engorging your stomach to a point where you can barely breathe or move as well, try giving your body a break and adopt for a more healthful vegetarian or semi vegetarian diet instead, your digestive system will thank you for it.
By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.