Acid reflux or GERD is a common condition these days seen not only in older people, but young adults as well. People experience different symptoms but most experience a burning in the chest region, digestive upsets, a uneasy feeling on waking and an unsettling feeling in the stomach that gets worse with eating certain types of foods – ranging from salads to acidic foods such as alcohol and coffee.
While medications such as proton pump inhibitors such as Nexium and Prevacid help these problems, they do not heal the acid reflux. In order to heal GERD or acid reflux naturally, one must first find out what is causing it. When it comes to acid reflux or GERD / Gastroesophageal reflux disease, usually diet and stress are the causative factors, that tend to aggravate or worsen the symptoms. H. pylori, an ulcer causing bacteria should be ruled out as well using a H. pylori breath test first. Other issues such as hiatal hernia may worsen or create symptoms of acidity.
Here a few tips that may help treat your symptoms of acid reflux or GERD naturally
As a naturopathic doctor, when I treat GERD / ACID REFLUX symptoms in patients, I first try to identify what is causing it. As mentioned earlier, diet plays a huge role when it comes to excess acid creation in the stomach.
- Having a bland diet and eating smaller meals through out the day seems to be very beneficial.
- Avoidance of acidic foods such as coffee and citrus will help ease the burning sensation a little as well.
- Eating frequently is helpful as it keeps the stomach somewhat filled with food, and the acid produced will not be spilled on the stomach lining.
- Various natural therapies such as acupuncture and supplements may be very helpful for helping the body adapt to stress.
When dealing with acid reflux, its important to find out what is affecting it and what makes it worse, and then treating it accordingly. More information on GERD/ ACID REFLUX.
By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.