In Canada, we have three allergy seasons that are related to the environment:
1. The Early spring allergy season which is driven by tree pollens beginning in March or April, and lasting until mid-June.
2. Late spring / early summer allergy season caused by grass pollens: from late May until mid-July or even early August.
3. Last but not the least the ”TRUE HAY FEVER SEASON” late summer / early autumn — from mid-August until the first frost –which is primarily attributed to ragweed and other “weed” species.
We also have something called the Perennial allergic rhinitis, which occurs year-round, is triggered by common household allergens such as dust mites, animal dander, and mold.
There are various approaches to treating allergies using various sprays, pills and creams, however the best approach is the natural one- which basically focuses on improving the ”hyperactive” immune system, which is usually imbalanced in people who have allergies.
The natural approach also focuses on natural methods to improve overall immune function and health, and tone done the up-regulated immune system, hereby reducing your allergenic response to otherwise harmless proteins.
By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.