There are a lot of natural products available in the market for hair loss, however a lot of times patients find that they are not very beneficial or helped a little, but not really.
At the clinic we always get patients to try and focus on why it is that they are losing their hair versus what supplements they can try as often times the underlying cause for the hair loss is something totally different then what we may think will be helpful for it just because a health food store employee or the media says and promotes.
Significant hair loss can be brought on by sudden stress in life or sudden crash diets or diet changes, a lot of times a lack or excess amounts of certain vitamins or minerals can cause hair loss too, toxic hormonal changes (thyroid, male and female hormones) and post pregnancy can cause hair loss due to a low kidney essence / chi. Hence what I recommend for anyone losing hair is to get a proper diagnosis as to why you might be losing hair rather than trying different products off the shelves.
By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.