Most women complain of one symptom or another when it comes to that time of the month: 1 – 2 weeks before the menstrual cycle. These symptoms are part of what we call the premenstrual syndrome and comprises of a number of symptoms such as emotional upsets and sensitivity, irritability, weight gain, water retentions, sore breasts, acne break outs, which can be very tender to touch, sugar cravings or salt cravings, increased appetite, reduced energy, lethargy and fatigue, bloating, constipation among others. While most women suffer in silence, others take over the counter medications, which are okay at best to keep the symptoms at bay.
Naturopathic Treatments for Premenstrual Syndrome
Natural / naturopathic treatments for premenstrual syndrome are very effective in reducing and quite often eliminating the symptoms by treating root cause of the problem, that is balancing the hormones naturally as well, making lifestyle changes. PMS symptoms are caused in part by our diet. Having foods that high in saturated fats, refined sugars and refined foods, salt, caffeine, alcohol, meats and dairy products that are not organic, are thought to have an impact on our hormones, estrogen in particular, and having high amounts of this hormone will cause various premenstrual symptoms such as weight gain, water retention, emotional upsets and sensitivity, among others. Talk to you naturopathic doctor about testing your hormones to see how balanced they are.
Here are a few natural suggestions that will help you treat your PMS symptoms naturally:
1. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Instead try green tea, rooibos tea or other herbal teas, sparkling water or warm water with lime squeezed into it.
2. Try to have a diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains, as opposed to refined foods such as breads and pastas.
3. Stay hydrated – you need to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
4. Try to decrease your salt intake – instead try natural alternatives such as kelp granules and other seasonings without MSG as well.
5. Exercise is key to improve circulation in the body as well, great for stress management. I recommend moderate physical activity for 30 – 40 minutes, 3 – 4 times a week. Try yoga, meditation or a pilates class for a change.
6. For those sugar cravings, try have frozen raisins or dates, which are great for iron – an element that is quite often low in women in tend to have heavier periods.
7. Feeling angry or sad? Instead of lashing out, try to do some free flow writing and then burn everything you wrote after reading it. This will help lighten your heart and mind, without hurting someone else’s feelings.
By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic, in Toronto.