As the weather gets colder, our naturopathic clinic generally tends to see an influx of clients suffering from dry skin or very dry skin, or eczema flare ups looking either red and angry or very dry. A lot of them say that its the winter weather that tends to make their skin dry and itchy, but here are a few things to consider before blaming the winter. As the weather gets colder, people generally tend to go out less frequently to exercise, among other things. We tend to stay in and bundle up with a warm drink in our hands, and for a lot of people that drink could be tea or coffee, both natural diuretics, leaching out what limited fluid intake we have, and suddenly the skin starts to look drier and the cells less plump. As well, as the weather gets colder, people’s fluid intake tends to decrease dramatically as well.
Remember, 70% of your body is made up of water and the less you replenish, the more you drain your cells of water of moisture and the more dehydrated the body gets. So a simple way to keep the skin from getting dehydrated and looking all wrinkly and dry, is to HYDRATE, HYDRATE and HYDRATE! Make sure you keep up with your water intake. Have warmer water or room temperature water instead of ice cold water, if its the temperature of the water that keeps your intake limited.
Another factor to consider is your intake of essential fatty acids – omega 3, 6 and 9. These are easily available from your diet if you eat fish – at least 2 times a week, have nuts and seeds on a regular basis and cook with olive or canola oil. Various fatty acid supplements are available in health food stores these days, my recommendation is to make sure – if its skin related – that you get enough omega 6 and omega 3. Fish oils are high in 2 ingredients – EPA and DHA. EPA is good for the eyes, heart and skin. DHA is great for memory and the brain.
To soothe the itchy skin, you could use oatmeal that has been ground up in your bath. Oatmeal is very soothing for the skin and has healing properties. You can use creams that are unscented and those that lock in the moisture.
By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.