There have been various debates about buying organic versus non-organic foods and whether it’s really worth it. Quite often we find that people tend to go for the non – organic foods simply because its cheaper and more readily available. Here are some facts that might sway you more towards purchasing organic product the next time you are in the supermarket.
Over 3000 high-risk toxins are routinely present in the North – American food supply, and are by law, excluded from organic food. These include, and are limited to:
1. HEAVY METALS: Although there is no control over what is already present in the soils, various heavy metals mercury, lead and cadmium such as enter the food supply through industrial pollution of soil and groundwater.
2. PESTICIDES: The largest group of toxins that ARE PROHIBITED IN ORGANIC PRODUCTS are synthetic pesticides.
Legal bans have tried to reduce the amounts and types of pesticides that go in the surface run off from lawns. Various pesticides have been classified as potential carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). The other major problem with pesticides is that they do not stay where they are applied, and are quite often found in drinking water.
3. SOLVENTS: Solvents are virtually present in all commercially processed foods in the form of additives. Various solvents, e.g. benzene and toluene are linked to many cancers. Benzene had also been associated with rheumatoid arthritis – an autoimmune condition involving pain and degeneration of in the joints.
4. OTHER SUBSTANCES that you avoiding when purchasing organic include HORMONES – that are used to fatten animals to produce more milk, eggs and meat.
So is cheaper quantity of food that much more attractive than less quality or should it be the other way around? I will let you be the judge.
By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.