Heart disease is the number one killer of Canadians in terms of health issues, and annually causes more than 50,000 deaths per year. Heart disease is caused simply by a build up of plaque – a fatty deposit ( which usually happens due to a high amount of bad cholesterol of LDL in the blood). These in turn create clots in the arteries or harden them, and cause a narrowing of the arteries, depriving the heart of oxygen rich blood, and when the arteries are narrowed sufficiently, blood flow to the area is compromised creating heart attacks. More than 85% of people who die from heart attacks are aged 65 and older, however, even in practice today, we are also seeing people in their 40’s with heart issues. It is true that certain ethnic groups are at a higher risk for having heart attacks, however, the risk factors may come into play as well, including your genes and lifestyle factors such as stress and and a high fat diet.
Here is a self test you can take to gauge your risk for heart issues / heart attack:
1. Age – men over 45 and women over 55
2. Gender – men are more vulnerable that women.
3. Being post menopausal – this increases your risk sharply.
4.Family and personal history of heart disease.
5. Ethnicity – People of Asian, African or Latin / African American descent.
Lifestyle factors:
1. Diet – high intake of saturated fat and low intake of fibre rich foods
2. Smoking or exposure to second hand smoke on a regular basis
3. Having high LDL and Triglyceride levels, and low HDL levels.
4. Hypertension or high blood pressure issues.
5. Diabetes Type 2
6. Chronic stress or depression
7. Physical inactivity and obesity.
If you answered yes to 3 or more risk factors, you are at high risk for heart disease. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about how you may improve your heart health and what you can do to reduce your risk of heart issues.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation website is a great resource for more information.