Hello Everyone. Summer this year was unlike any other with lots of unusual weather. Allergies and stress were at an all time high for most people. The Swine flu has been another issue that has come up quite a bit. So I would like to talk about how we can optimize and protect our health (mental, emotional and spiritual) naturally for the fall. In this newsletter, I would like to address 2 key issues – how to build up your immunity and what really is a food allergy.

Autumn Health Newsletter 2009

In this newsletter:


What Is An Allergy?

Our immune system is meant to protect the body from invading parasites, bacteria and other foreign substances. Sometimes it overreacts to what should be a perfectly innocuous food or other substances, causing an allergic reaction.

Most people who suffer from a food allergy have immunoglobulin E (IgE) that is primed to respond to the allergen involved. In the presence of the allergen, the IgE antibodies activate the mast cells around the blood vessels and the skin. Histamine released by these cells causes small blood vessels to dilate, giving rise to well – known symptoms such as itching and swelling in the mouth, skin rash, itchy or runny nose and diarrhea.

The most dangerous result is anaphylaxis, a whole body reaction, which can end in a catastrophic fall in blood pressure combined with breathing difficulties, sometimes resulting in death.

Not all food allergies are mediated by IgE. Perhaps the best known of this other group is celiac disease, an allergy to proteins present in the gluten of wheat, barley and rye. It is caused by an over-reaction by the immune system’s T cells, which damages the lining of the gut. Sufferers endure diarrhea, loss of weight and potentially malnutrition.

True food allergies should not be confused with “food intolerances”. Rather than being caused by an overenthusiastic immune system, milk intolerance, for example, results from a lack of the enzyme the body needs to break down lactose, the main sugar in milk. Symptoms include nausea, abdominal pain and once again diarrhea.


Protecting Our Health Against The Swine Flu

Here are some ways to protect yourself and family naturally from the swine flu:

  1. Have five duly washed leaves of Basil everyday in the morning. Basil has a large number of therapeutic properties. It keeps throat and lungs clear and helps in infections by way of strengthening your immunity.

  2. Those who can take garlic must have two cloves of raw garlic first thing in the morning. To be swallowed daily with lukewarm water. Garlic helps strengthens immunity.

  3. Those not allergic to milk, must take a glass of hot or lukewarm milk every night with a small measure of turmeric.

  4. Aloe Vera gel taken with water daily can work wonders for not only your skin and joint pains, but also boost immunity.

  5. Certain homeopathic medicines –such as Pyrogenium 200 and Inflenzium 200 in particular work well as a preventive against common flu virus.

  6. Do breathing exercises daily (preferably under guidance if you are already not initiated into it) and go for morning jog / walk regularly to keep your throat and lungs in good condition and body in fine fettle. Even in small measures, it will work wonders for your body's resistance against all such diseases, which attack the nose, throat and lungs, besides keeping you fit.

  7. Have citrus fruits, which are high in Vitamin C such as gooseberry, and acai berries among others.

  8. Last but not the least, wash your hands frequently every day with soap and warm water for 15-20 seconds; especially before meals, or each time after touching a surface that you suspect could be contaminated with flu virus such as a door handle or a knob / handle, especially if you have returned from a public place or used public transport. Alcohol-based hand cleaners should be kept handy at all times and used until you can get soap and warm water.


Introducing A New And Improved IgG Food Intolerance Test

Natures Intentions Naturopathic Clinic is pleased to introduce a revolutionized method for food intolerance detection and treatment ‐ the Genarrayt™ 200+ Foods IgG test. Unlike the previous test we offered which tested 93 foods, this test checks for 200 food sensitivities.

Advantages of the new 200+ Foods IgG test:

  • It measures over 200 individual food types simultaneously.

  • We offer 2 panels (120 and 200) to fit your budget and food preference (vegetarian panels offered). It has a greater sensitivity, which results in better structural detection of the food antigens. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us about the test. If you would like to see the list of foods included in these panels, please call the clinic and we will gladly send them out to you.

We also offer three highly accurate allergy tests that can test you for various allergies to foods, allergies to preservatives and environmental allergies such as pollen, cat dander, mites etc. We can effectively test for up to 135 allergens using 1 vial of blood.

This test is not intended to replace medical advice. It does not diagnose allergies. It tests for food intolerances only. Any proposed changes to your diet should be discussed with your naturopathic doctor or other health professional.

Remember we here to help you with your health goals and optimal health and wellness, so if you need any of our services or need to schedule an appointment, call us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or feel free to email us.


Autumn Butternut Squash Immune Boosting Soup

One of the best ways to improve immune system right away is to eliminate the foods you are reacting to so that the body’s defense system can start working on protecting you against pathogens that might otherwise cause lingering colds and flus in the fall / winter season as the immune system is busy fighting of food antigens. Below we have a simple yet delicious squash recipe to boost up your immune system this fall.

Sesame Cluster Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp of butter or olive oil
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1 tbsp of ginger minced
  • 3 cloves of garlic minced
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 1 potato peeled and diced, 3 pieces of astragulus
  • 1 butternut squash, peeled, seeded and diced
  • 3 cans of vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup of honey and 1 tbsp of dried thyme leaves
  • Seasoning, salt and pepper to taste.


  1. In a large pot, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in onions, garlic and ginger. Cook and stir until lightly browned, in about 5 minutes.
  2. Stir potatoes, carrots, celery, squash, chicken broth, honey and thyme. Bring mixture to boil, add astragulus, reduce heat and simmer 30 – 45 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Transfer mixture to a blender or food processor; process until its pureed and smooth. Return soup to pot, season and serve hot.

As always we welcome and appreciate your feedback.

If you need any of our services or need to schedule an appointment, call us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or feel free to email us.

* DISCLAIMER: The information on this article is the property of Dr. Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any diseases or promote any services or products mentioned on the website.

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