Spring is finally here after a long and cold winter, and with that comes beautiful weather, new beginnings and of course a newsletter from our clinic to you! We hope that the information provided will be of use to you and your loved ones and if you have any inquiries please feel free to give us a call at the clinic. Enjoy!
In this newsletter:
It is no surprise to any of us that Canada's winters can drag on for long months making us feel under the weather. The constant snowfall keeps us in our homes where it is nice and warm while we try to avoid the flu season. Ever wonder why the flu season strikes up during the colder months? It's not necessarily the cold that makes us sick, rather it's the weakening of our immune system that becomes triggered by our body's reaction to the weather.
Staying in all winter long with a lack of physical activity plus poor nutrition and the low angle of the winter sun all lead to a decline in Vitamin D, an essential micronutrient needed to promote bone growth and help the body absorb calcium. A decrease in Vitamin D is only one of the effects of a weakened immune system. You may also be experiencing these more noticeable symptoms of weak immunity such as fatigue, inflammation, persistent colds, repeated and longer lasting infections and slow healing of wounds. The chilly weather dries out the mucus membranes in the nasal passages weakening the nose's primary defence causing unrelenting colds. The same idea goes for repeated infections such as urinary tract infections, ear infections, and sinus infections; if the immune system is weak it is much harder for your body to fight any invasive bacteria, viral and fungal infections.
Stress is a flight or fight reaction in our body that is needed when we are near or in danger but too often we tend to get stressed over little things on a daily basis, and this also weakens our immunity. When stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol) are released in the body frequently it can interfere with the immune system's natural functions resulting in inflammation and a reduction of white blood cells that we rely on to fight infections.
The immune system is an intricate network of lymphoid organs, vessels and cells. Lymph nodes release a certain type of white cells called lymphocytes, there are different kinds of lymphocytes around the body and they fight off infections in different ways but the goal is the same: to fight viruses, bacteria, parasites, keep the body in an optimal state.
The immune system is essential to our survival as it is our bodies first line of defence, a healthy immune system is needed to defeat invading pathogens. In order to replenish our immune system, we should keep in mind that it is in fact a system, meaning there are multiple components and for it to function well it requires balance and harmony. Through the use of natural medicine and proper testing through consultation with your naturopathic practitioner, you can obtain a good balance and establish a proper diet to boost your immunity and keep you healthy and happy.
Have been experiencing constipation? Its time to try the SQUATTY POTTY! The idea is as simple as the name. While squatting when going to the bathroom is not a new concept by any means as many societies around the world have toilet systems that involve squatting, it still holds true that it's not the most conventional or popular way. However the question remains; does it work better? The Squatty Potty, an invention picked up by Shark Tank (a business related television series) that claims it to be very useful in aiding posture in order to have a better bowel movement.
The creation is essentially a small step stool placed in front of the toilet allowing users to change from the sitting position to that of a squatting one, which is actually more natural for the body. That is because this position creates better flow as it allows for the muscle called the puborectalis to relax. Basically, it's all about the angle. When sitting or standing this muscle pulls the rectum forward creating what's called the anorectal angle, its purpose is to put a kink in the colon that prevents us from random elimination. The deep squat removes this kink by correcting the angle and straightening the colon which permits elimination to happen more naturally. Moreover, aside from allowing a better and faster bowel movement, the Squatty Potty helps to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, colon disease and pelvic floor issues. Straining is an issue particularly seen in women and repeated straining over the years may weaken the pelvic floor and also lead to hemorrhoids. This health device can help eliminate effectually keeping the colon clean, allows less effort and therefore less strain, and less time spent feeling constipated. By all means squat!
We at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic strive to improve your health and wellbeing using the healing therapies that nature offers us in various forms – such as Naturopathic medicine, Acupuncture (Traditional Chinese medicine and Cosmetic acupuncture), Diet and nutrition counselling, Reiki courses and treatments, and Hypnotherapy.
We also offer Massage therapy and have a great RMT on staff here with exceptional service and experience. If you are suffering from muscle pain, soreness, headaches, muscular tightness (among many other issues) or are even looking to seek some relaxation, give us a call at the clinic to make an appointment for a massage therapy session (our RMT is in the clinic Fridays and Saturdays). Wishing you a pleasant and Healthy Spring 2019!
For any questions, or concerns, or to schedule an initial naturopathic appointment, please contact us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or email us at [email protected]
* DISCLAIMER: The information on this article is the property of Dr. Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any diseases or promote any services or products mentioned on the website.
Acne is a common skin condition with a prevalence of 80% in female and 90% in male teenagers. It is caused by a disorder of the oil glands that result in clogged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly known as pimples. Risk factors: poor diet, excessive sugar, trans fats and processed foods.
Candida overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract is now becoming recognized as a complex medical syndrome known as chronic candidiasis or the yeast syndrome. Symptoms include: Multiple food allergies, or allergic to all foods( pan allergic), alternating diarrhea with constipation.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is described as a severe, debilitating fatigue, lasting at least six months (of new and definite onset), associated with at least four of the following symptoms: impaired memory or concentration, sore throat, muscle pains, joint pains, unrefreshing sleep and post-exertion malaise.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - a diagnosis of exclusion, this condition is often misdiagnosed. Severe food intolerances / allergies may exhibit symptoms that are similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome such as pain, cramping, gassiness, sudden bouts of diarrhoea, and constipation.