Naprapathic Medicine is a special system for restoring functionality and reducing pain in muscles and joints using muscle treatments such as stretching and massage. Naprapathic Medicine Treats Connective Tissue Disorders through hands-on (gentle) connective tissue manipulation to the spine, joints and articulations of the body and therapeutic modalities such as heat, cold, light, water, radiant energy, electricity, sound, air.
Modalities used also include ultrasound, electro-stimulation and low-level laser therapy (also known as "cold laser therapy"). Treatments are often complemented with different kinds of physical exercise and advice.
Some of the common connective tissue disorders that been successfully treated by Naprapathic Medicine includes:
The connective tissue of the body supports the spinal column and all joints and articulations of the body. Connective Tissue Disorders are characterized by abnormal rigid and / or contracted (strained) ligaments, tendons and muscles. These disorders interfere with nerve conduction and the circulation of blood and lymph. This can result in pain and inflammation to the affected area of the body. Causes of connective tissue disorders can include traumatic injury (car accidents, sports injuries, falls, etc.), RMS (repetitive motion syndrome, such as work-related computer or machine use), heavy lifting and improper posture.
Though you may not have heard of Naprapathy or Naprapaths, this alternative treatment and its practitioners are rapidly growing in popularity. This is thanks to the enthusiastic recommendations of those who've experienced pain relief treatment at the skilled hands of a Naprapath.
The Czech word "naprapravit" (to correct) and the Greek word "pathos" (suffering) combine to form the word Naprapathy. The Naprapathic treatment method "corrects suffering" through manual manipulation of inelastic connective tissue which may be irritating the nervous system and causing pain.
Dr. Oakley Smith D.C.,D.N. was the first Naprapath, he founded the science of Naprapathy in 1907 after devising a systematic treatment method of evaluating and healing damaged connective tissues. He discovered that structural imbalances (often situated in the spine) were sources of pain which can build slowly and spread throughout the body. The causes of such imbalances, which deplete the suppleness of connective tissue, include poor posture, trauma (whiplash and sports injuries) and general wear.
Naprapathy teaches that, over time, the resulting stiffness can produce pinched nerves. These trigger or contribute to chronic conditions like arthritis, migraine headache, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, herniated disc, bursitis, tendonitis, Fibromyalgia, sciatica, chronic back pain, joint pain, shoulder pain and stress related pain.
At the Nature's Intentions Naturopathic Clinic, naprapathy is used as part of the osteopathic treatments.
Your initial visit begins with a medical case history and a spinal examination to identify the precise location of pain. The visit may also include gentle manual manipulations designed to stretch specific connective tissues, improve structural alignment, promote balance and provide pain relief. He may also use ultrasound, electrical, heat, and cold pain relief treatment methods.
Naprapathy works better on back and neck trouble than recommended and proven effective advice from doctors.
In the study of 409 patients, the researchers compared two groups of people with back and neck problems. Following a medical examination to eliminate serious conditions, the patients were randomly assigned to two therapeutic alternatives. Half of the patients were treated by a Naprapath and half received advice and support from doctors with the aim of strengthening their belief in their own ability to deal with the complaint. The advice encouraged the patients to move, despite any pain, and to live as normal a life as possible.
Twelve weeks after study started, 57% in the Naprapathy group stated that were 'very much better' compared with 13% in the control group. 69% in the Naprapathy and 42% in the control group had a clinically important decrease in pain, and 19% in the Naprapathy group and 7% in the control group was totally recovered twelve weeks after the study had started. Separate analysis of neck pain and back pain patients showed similar results. For the majority of the patients the pain / disability had lasted for more than one year.
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