Dan Miron, Reiki Teacher
DAN MIRON is an accomplished Reiki Teacher and Reiki practitioner in Toronto, Ontario. His passion for spiritual and alternative therapies have led him to study Reiki Energy Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Meditation.
He is a very kind, compassionate and caring individual, who never stops to go out of his way to help individuals and families, who need healing in a mental, emotional and spiritual way. He is very dedicated in his passion to heal and teach others how to improve their state of health using Reiki Therapy.
He currently offers Reiki Treatments, and teaches Reiki Courses in Toronto.
He specializes in teaching various different types of Reiki Courses, and has been offering Reiki treatments at our clinic since 2004.
Reiki Energy Therapy and Courses
Reiki energy therapy is used for relaxation, pain relief to promote healing and spiritual development. The Reiki courses and treatments are offered every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday at our clinic. Here is the complete schedule for the upcoming Reiki courses.
Professional Designations
- Reiki Master / Teacher in Usui Reiki since 2003
- Reiki Master / Teacher in Reiki of 7 levels since 2003
- Master / Teacher in Karuna since 2009
- Reiki Master / Teacher in 7 Facet Seichim since 2011
- Reiki Master / Teacher in Kundalini Reiki since 2012
- Reiki Master / Teacher in Tummo Reiki since 2012
- Reiki Master / Teacher in Imara Reiki since 2012
- Bachelors Degree in Computer Science
- Courses in Alternative Medicine: Bioenergy, Usui Reiki, Reiki of 7 Levels (Shichidan Reiki), Karuna Reiki, 7 Facet Seichim, Imara Reiki, Tummo Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Kurama Kokyo, Autogenic Training, Radiesthesia, Hypnotherapy, Stress Management, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Chi Kung.