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reiki for children

Reiki for Children

Initiating Children in Reiki

March 28, 2016

Many of the Reiki students often ask me this question: Is it okay to give Reiki attunements to children?

The answer is YES! but with certain conditions:

  • We can give Reiki initiation for Reiki Level 1 to children age 7 and up.
  • Reiki Level 2 can be given to children age 12 – 14.
  • Higher Reiki levels should be given to high school students.

 The children should use Reiki energy only for themselves and not to treat other people. This is because of two reasons:

  1. The subtle energy layers of a child (the aura) are still developing, and it is not advisable to expose their aura to negative energies and diseases from other people.
  2. During a Reiki treatment, there is a small risk that the therapist may collect negative energies from the client. This is why therapist perform certain self-purification techniques at the end of each Reiki treatment session. Children may not be as cautious, increasing the risk of negative side effects.