The Reiki energy therapy will bring individuals into harmony with themselves, with the entire universe, and reconnect them to the divine. Reiki has a prophylactic effect and facilitates the healing of illness. Additionally, Reiki also aids in alleviating pain, producing an anaesthetic effect. This effect typically becomes noticeable a few minutes after the start of the Reiki treatment. *.

Reiki not only enhances your physical well-being but also exerts a positive influence on your emotional and spiritual equilibrium. As a result, many individuals feel refreshed, relaxed, clear-minded, and more content after a session. It is suitable for people of all ages, whether they are in good health or facing various challenges. Reiki can be employed to replenish vital energy, strengthen the immune system, and assist in the healing of various conditions, including sports injuries, cuts, burns, internal diseases, emotional disorders, and stress-related illnesses. *

Toronto Reiki Treatment Session


  • Balancing energies of the organs and glands and their bodily functions
  • Releasing blocked and suppressed feelings
  • Promoting natural self-healing
  • Balancing the energies in the body
  • Chakra balancing (purifying the energy centers)
  • Enhancing personal awareness and aiding meditative states
  • Relaxing and reducing stress
  • Strengthening life force energy
  • Treating symptoms and causes of illness
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Relieving pain
  • Clearing toxins


Reiki is a therapeutic practice where the practitioner delivers healing energy through their hands, with intent to raise the amount of Chi in and around the client. This process aims to heal energetic pathways and diminish negative energies. Reiki can be practiced in various ways: as a standalone therapy, in conjunction with other alternative therapies, or alongside conventional medical treatments.

During a Reiki session, the client typically sits or lies comfortably, fully clothed. The practitioner places their hands on or slightly above the client's body, utilizing 12 to 15 different hand positions. Each position is maintained until the practitioner senses a slowing or cessation of energy flow, usually lasting about 5 to 10 minutes.


Typically, a Reiki session lasts for at least 60 to 90 minutes, and practitioners often recommend a series of four sessions. Reiki practitioners can apply this healing technique to themselves or to others who are either nearby or even at a considerable distance, making it a form of 'distant healing' in the latter case. *


The experience varies from person to person and may differ from one session to another, depending on the body's receptivity to the treatment and its benefits.

The energy flows wherever it is needed (spiritually guided) and is often felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a profoundly relaxing and soothing experience.

During a Reiki session, you will likely feel deeply relaxed, possibly experiencing a sensation of "floating". Sensations such as heat, tingling, or cold under the practitioner's hands are common. These feelings arise from the Reiki energy actively working within and around your body—balancing, removing blockages, and adjusting energy levels.

It's also possible to experience resurfacing emotions or thoughts that you had forgotten. If this occurs, it may signify an opportunity to learn and release them. Some individuals gain insights into problem-solving during the session.

It's important to note that the healing process often involves a release, which means your condition might temporarily worsen before improvement occurs. This crisis of healing could manifest as emotional releases or the elimination of toxins from your body. Drinking plenty of water can assist your body through this process.


"How many pills am I going to take before I notice a difference?" Every individual is unique and so is their capacity to heal *. Some people may require only one or two sessions, while others may need several before noticing any changes. If you're just interested in exploring what Reiki can do for you, consider starting with one or two sessions.

For a chronic health issue, consult your practitioner to determine the number of sessions needed. Generally, 1–2 sessions are performed each week, depending on the chronicity of the issue.

To book a Reiki session or to enroll for a Reiki course please contact us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or email us at [email protected]

* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary from client to client, and the information provided is not intended to promote services or products. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any diseases.