The Usui Reiki system is considered to be the original Reiki system taught by Dr. Mikao Usui. It consists of three student levels and one Master/Teacher level. In Usui Reiki, students will learn to work with four Reiki energies (four Reiki symbols). The following provides a summary of the topics studied in Usui Reiki.


Usui Reiki Level 1 is taught as a one-on-one* or group class, conducted over an intensive one-day training session. Individual Reiki attunements are performed for each student, and upon completion of the course, the student receives a certificate for that level of training.

The comprehensive training covers:

  • The history of Reiki
  • The five Reiki principles
  • The five layers (bodies) of a human being
  • Detailed insights into Reiki energy
  • The effects of Reiki energy treatment
  • Reiki hand positions
  • How to administer a complete Reiki treatment for oneself and others
  • Japanese Reiki Techniques taught by Dr. Usui, including Gassho meditation and Byosen Scanning for detecting where Reiki is needed
  • Hand hygiene and energy cleaning (protection)

The class format combines lectures, discussions, and hands-on experiences. Practical sessions includes giving and/or receiving Reiki treatment using the hand positions and practicing Japanese Reiki Techniques as mentioned above.


Usui Reiki Level 2 is taught as a one-on-one* or group class, conducted over an intensive one-day training session. Individual Reiki attunements are performed for each student, and upon completion of the course, the student receives a certificate for that level of training.

The comprehensive training covers:

  • The distinctions between Reiki Level 2 and Reiki Level 1
  • Three Reiki symbols: Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen
  • Detailed insights into Reiki Level 2 energies
  • The effects of Reiki Level 2 energy treatment
  • How to administer a complete Reiki treatment for oneself and others
  • Japanese Reiki Techniques taught by Dr. Usui, including Reiji-ho for developing intuition, Koki ho for using the breath to send Reiki, and Kenyoku for dry bathing or clearing one's energy field

The class format combines lectures, discussions, and hands-on experiences. Practical sessions includes giving and/or receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, practicing with all Reiki Level 2 symbols, including distant healing, and applying all the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.


Usui Reiki Level 3 is taught as a one-on-one* or group class, conducted over an intensive one-day training session. Individual Reiki attunements are performed for each student, and upon completion of the course, the student receives a certificate for that level of training.

The comprehensive training covers:

  • The Reiki Level 3 attunement, which enhances the strength of the Reiki energy and empowers the student to send Reiki energy using the mind.
  • Introduction to the Dai-ko-myo symbol, amplifying the effectiveness of Reiki 2 symbols and facilitating healing.
  • Fukushiki Kokyo, an Abdominal Breathing Technique.
  • Technique to recharge the Hara (lower abdomen) with energy.
  • Simple methods for developing concentration of the mind.
  • Utilizing crystals and stones in conjunction with Reiki.
  • Shuchu Reiki, concentrating Reiki energy when multiple therapists work together.
  • Reiki Mawashi, heightening the perception of Reiki energy.
  • Byosen Reikan-Ho Scanning technique.

The class structure blends lectures, discussions, and hands-on experiences. Practice sessions includes giving and/or receiving a complete Reiki treatment, using all hand positions, practicing the Reiki Level 3 symbol, and applying Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.


Usui Reiki Master / Teacher Level is taught as a one-on-one* or group class, providing an intensive one-day training session. Individual Reiki attunements are performed for each student, and upon completion, a certificate for the Usui Reiki Teacher/Master Level is awarded.

The comprehensive training includes:

  • The complete Usui Reiki Master attunemen.t
  • Training in the four basic techniques required for the Master / Teacher Level.
  • Instruction on giving Reiki attunements for Reiki Level 1, 2, 3 and full Reiki Master / Teacher Level.
  • Extensive practice time dedicated to attunements.
  • Advanced emergency-use-only technique: Acceleration of Time.
  • Understanding the values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master.

Detailed instructions about the Usui Reiki system of attunements are provided, with more than half of the class time devoted to practice fostering confidence in administering Reiki attunements. A class manual containing detailed step-by-step instructions for all attunements, is provided. This class offers a powerful healing experience.

While practice time is incorporated into each Reiki Course, students are encouraged to allocate additional time for practice after the class concludes. It is recommended that students dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes each day for the next 2-3 weeks following each Reiki level to practice on themselves, family members, or friends. This additional practice is crucial for gaining the experience and confidence needed to fully utilize the Reiki training.

At each level, students receive course materials and a diploma certifying the achieved level. Weekend and weekday courses are available.

* We cannot guarantee that our Reiki classes will be one-on-one. Currently, the maximum size of our Reiki classes is limited to four students.

To book a Reiki session or to enroll for a Reiki course please contact us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or email us at [email protected]

* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary from client to client, and the information provided is not intended to promote services or products. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any diseases.