Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with diverticulitis? What is diverticulitis? What are the symptoms and what are some of the naturopathic tips you can use to help you manage the symptoms of diverticulitis?
Diverticula are small pockets, or out pouches that develop in weakened segments of the colon or the large intestine, usually in the sigmoid portion on the lower left side. Their presence in the large intestine is called diverticulosis and is rare before age 40. They become increasingly common with advancing age and by age 80, almost everyone has at least a few. Diverticulitis occurs when these pouches (diverticula) become inflamed or infected, and if left untreated, can lead to serious complications.
A low-fiber diet made up of highly processed foods, along with chronic constipation, is believed to cause diverticulosis. Most people with diverticula never experienced symptoms. If the pouches fill with fecal material, however they become infected and inflamed, which can lead to intense pain and fever. Sometimes an inflamed pouch ruptures and spills infective material into the abdominal cavity, causing intense pain, a high fever, and a life-threatening infection (peritonitis); severe bleeding is also a serious risk.
See your medical doctor as soon as possible if you develop abdominal pain, bloody stools and other symptoms of diverticulitis. During a flare- up, applying an ice pack to the painful area may bring relief; however, do not use a heating pad, which can worsen inflammation and may even cause a diverticulum to rupture.
Mild diverticulitis can usually be treated at home with oral antibiotics and a liquid diet to give the colon a chance to heal. Symptoms usually abate in a few days; then a soft diet of simple bland, pureed foods can be started. Avoid raw fruits or vegetables, whole grains, berries with seeds, corn, hot spices, alcohol, and caffeine.
Imaging studies, such as a CT scan or ultrasound, may be needed to rule out appendicitis, colon cancer, and other disorders than can cause similar symptoms. An attack marked by severe pain, high fever, and possible intestinal bleeding usually requires hospitalization. Pain medication may be given to ease the pain, and intravenous antibiotics are administered to quell the infection. A ruptured diverticulum, severe bleeding, and fistulas (abnormal connections with other organs) may require surgery to remove the deceased segment of the colon.
The naturopathic approach to diverticulitis includes a thorough assessment to identify what the root cause of the problem maybe and then doing the appropriate tests such as blood to identify any vitamin or mineral deficiencies, and food sensitivities or allergies that maybe affecting your digestive system.
At the clinic, during your initial 1 hour one – on – one consult with our Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Sushma Shah, you will undergo a comprehensive symptom intake in detail, and at the end of the visit, you may be required to do some blood and urine testing. Her assessment is oriented toward determining what is impeding your body's ability to function optimally. She will determine which assessment tools are most helpful in establishing a treatment strategy specific to your health needs.
Naturopathic Doctor Sushma Shah may order some specialized testing, if need be in order to get all the necessary physiological information and to get a more complete picture of your symptoms – to get to the root cause of your symptoms. Following this visit, you will be coming in for your second visit, in which she will be doing a full physical check-up, a traditional Chinese medicine tongue and pulse diagnosis, body fat analysis and blood glucose testing. After having gone through your case thoroughly, she will be suggesting an individualised natural treatment plan that is specific to the symptoms you have and your health goals.
Naturopathic Medicine is very helpful to manage diverticulitis. Here are some naturopathic tips to prevent diverticulitis:
Please ask your doctor or naturopath before starting on any supplements. Its is better to first identify the cause and then treat it with the right remedies, even though those mentioned above have minimal side effects.
For any questions, or concerns, please contact us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or email me at [email protected]
* DISCLAIMER: The information on this article is the property of Dr. Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any diseases or promote any services or products mentioned on the website.
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